Friday, December 08, 2006

What lesson can Muslims learn from ‘Messopotamia’?
Muslims should get rid of their own tyrants.
Both question and answer are very deep, and born of anguish at what we have become.

But, the next logical question is:
Why was tyranny allowed to fester in a ‘Muslim’ land for so many years?

Their Book tells them that they are expected to “enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong.” Muslims claim monopoly on the formula that gives them individual empowerment, individual responsibility and individual accountability – otherwise known as (here it comes again) – the First Pillar of Islam.
The evil could have been ‘nipped in the bud’. And here’s another cliché – evil will prevail if good men do nothing – or words to that effect.

I wonder how many ‘Muslims’ did not vote in the last election which so effectively hamstrung a budding tyrant in the U.S.?

I wonder how many ‘Muslims’ participated in the protests against the war?

What do I really believe in and what do I want to do with my beliefs?


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