Wednesday, January 04, 2006

As I said earlier, all ‘material’ matter, is made up of atoms which are just illusions because of the motion of their particles. It turns out, that even these particles are not real. The best way to describe them, I think, is to call them holograms.
The human body and its brain is also material and hence an illusion. So the chemicals inside it, which store memories and stuff, are also part of the same matrix.
Culture is nothing more than a bunch of chemicals stored as memories, picked up from the environment since birth. Are we on the same page, so far?
Now comes the absolutely beautiful part, which I thought up when I read your comment:-
When you say la ilaha illallah, you transcend the material world. You escape from the matrix that has you encaged in all these illusions.
Now, we are ready to get the right perspective on things and on our existence. All this Rizq is just equipment to use in the best possible way.
How’s that?


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